We certainly hope you have been enjoying a well-deserved summer break. It is hard to believe it is August already.
As most of you know, this will be the final year of our contract and we will begin the negotiation process this fall for the 25 – 28 contract. In the interest of accommodating everybody’s preferences, we are sending out a link to the survey now and will resend it at the beginning of the school year.
You may choose to take the time and complete it now, or complete it at the start of the school year. It is up to you, but what will help drive our negotiations process is hearing from all of you what your needs and concerns are. Remember, this is your contract and your voice matters. We recommend reviewing the current contract prior to completing the survey. (We have attached a link to the survey if you need it.)
2025 – 2028 Contract Negotiations Survey
**Our SEA home email list will need to be updated at the start of the school year. If you received this email and are no longer an employee of the district, or need your home email changed, please reach out to the following emails and let us know:
Enjoy the remainder of the summer.
Best –
Kelly Finneran ~ SEA President
Lynne Doherty ~ SEA VP PreK – 4
Stephanie Halacy ~ SEA VP PreK – 4
Anna LaValley ~ SEA VP Middle Schools
Paula Toti – SEA VP High School